Kenyatta University is transforming its education course materials from simple print-based modules to vibrant, multimedia e-content as a way of responding to market demands that require innovative ways of educating.
“Kenyatta University has about 6,000 students taking different education courses. Meeting the needs of all these student teachers and preparing them to be effective teachers that can successfully integrate information and communications technologies (ICT) in classrooms is a challenge,” said Dr Fatuma Chege, Dean, School of Education.
Training teacher-trainers to integrate ICT in teaching and learning and to transform the courses is a strategy for ensuring Kenyatta University produces teachers who will be prepared for the future. The University hopes to increase confidence among staff in the innovative use of ICT in pedagogical practices; increase interaction between lecturers and students using the Moodle platform; and ultimately increase the overall number of students enrolled on the e-learning platform.
To start, 21 teacher-educators have been trained in a wide array of topics including taking stock of available resources, including OER; social media; models of technology integration; and planning technology integration. These educators will develop multimedia courses, support other teacher educators, and working with the university’s Digital School of Virtual & Open Learning, produce courses in all six departments in the School of Education, transforming teacher education at Kenyatta University.
“This training has enabled my university to build up a huge resource of educators that can support other lecturers in transforming courses. We are hoping that the era of heavily print-based courses will soon be over,” said Dr Chege.