From tablet computers in remote locations to gender-sensitive student councils, the most recent issue of the Journal of Learning for Development (Vol. 4, No. 2) covers a wide range of topics related to open and distance learning, innovations in learning and sustainable development. This issue includes a focus on the 8th Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, with a selection of papers presented at the Forum, now revised and updated. A continuation of the Journal’s feature on leaders in distance education highlights leaders in Africa and North America.
Among the articles in this issue are:
- MOOC Adaptation and Translation to Improve Equity in Participation
- Designing Reflective Practice in the Context of OER-based e-Learning
- Improving the Quality of Basic Education Through the Use of Gender-sensitive Student Councils: Experience of Six Selected Districts in Tanzania
- Building an Efficient and Effective Test Management System in an ODL Institution
- Use of Tablet Computers to Improve Access to Education in a Remote Location
- Mediated Authentic Video: A Flexible Tool Supporting a Developmental Approach to Teacher Education
Read the most recent issue of the Journal of Learning for Development (JL4D)
The Journal of Learning for Development provides a forum for the publication of research with a focus on innovation in learning, in particular but not exclusively open and distance learning, and its contribution to development. Content includes interventions that change social and/or economic relations, especially in terms of improving equity.
JL4D publishes research articles, book reviews and reports from the field from researchers, scholars and practitioners, and seeks to engage a broad audience across that spectrum. It aims to encourage contributors starting their careers, as well as to publish the work of established and senior scholars from the Commonwealth and beyond.