The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is currently engaged in the process of developing a strategic plan for 2021-2027. Local, national and regional consultations around the Commonwealth have enabled COL to identify needs and priorities that are critical to Member States. Consultations have been held with the COL Board of Governors and regional meetings were held with Focal Points representing Ministries of Education.
Our intent is to make the development of this plan a participatory process involving a wide variety of stakeholders. To ensure an appropriately targeted and effective plan, COL is now inviting comments from members of the public on the draft plan found here. Comments will inform the next iteration of this draft.
COL seeks comments on the following topics:
- The suitability of the goals and strategies relative to COL’s mission and to national priorities
- Areas that should be strengthened in the plan
- Any other topic that respondents feel is relevant for COL to consider in further improving the draft Strategic Plan 2021-2027.
Responses will be accepted through 4 January 2021. We thank you for your support and valuable inputs!