COL recognised excellence in open, distance and technology-enabled learning with the presentation of the Excellence in Distance Education Awards (EDEA) at the ninth Pan-Commonwealth Forum (PCF9) on 11 September 2019. Presented every three years, these awards acknowledge achievement by institutions/organisations and individuals around the Commonwealth.
The EDEA honour excellence at many points throughout the learning process: at the institutional level, in the development of learning materials, and in individual educator and student attainment.
The recipients are:
Award of Excellence for Institutional Achievement
Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University
Award of Excellence for Distance Education Materials
Category A: Innovations in print, electronically delivered materials, or other low-cost media materials
Open University of Malaysia
Category B: Design and development of study materials through the innovative use and re-use of open educational resources (OER)
Athabasca University
Open Education Resource Foundation
Award of Excellence in a Distance or Online Learning Experience
eLearning in difficult circumstances
Ms Sakshi Kumari
Mr Jima Ngei
Pictured (left to right): Ms Sakshi Kumari, Dr E Vayunandan (Vice Chancellor of YCMOU), Professor Asha Kanwar, COL President & CEO, Mr Jima Ngei, Andy Brown (OER Foundation), Dr Dietmar Kennepohl (Athabasca University).