Fish and the fish value chain are an important means of livelihood. In Nigeria, there is a desire to scale up fish production to achieve national fish self-sufficiency.
The Commonwealth of Learning (COL), through its Lifelong Learning for Farmers (L3F) initiative, in partnership with the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), recently organised a training workshop for stakeholders in government on the application of open and distance learning (ODL) and information and communication technology (ICT) as a way of addressing gender and climate change as well as food security and exports. All these areas play a role towards achieving fish self-sufficiency, the focus of the workshop.
Fifty stakeholders participated in the workshop from the state Ministries of Agriculture and Agricultural Development Programme in five states. Moving forward, these trained stakeholders will serve as contact persons to reach other farmers in their various communities to support them in adopting improved technology and applying ICT in the fish sector.