Are you a post-secondary instructor, education administrator or digital learning enthusiast looking to create authentic and engaging exams or assessments? If so, the Commonwealth of Learning’s (COL) free online course on “Authentic Assessment for Online Learning” is designed for you.
This four-week online course, which runs from 9 October to 3 November 2023, introduces authentic assessments in online learning contexts. Learners will acquire relevant knowledge and practical strategies to design learner-centred digital assessments focusing on academic integrity, engagement, authenticity and deep learning. Learners will be equipped with ideas on how to lead and implement change in their program or institution.
Professor Jane-Frances Agbu, Adviser: Higher Education at COL, said, “The first iteration of this MOOC recorded 2,541 learners from 79 countries. This second offering provides further enhanced learning content and activities.”
For more details regarding the course and the registration process, please visit the official website: https://www.mooc4dev.org/AAOL2.
A course brochure is available from this link: https://www.mooc4dev.org/sites/default/files/2023-08/AAOL2-brochure.pdf
Length of the Course: 4 Weeks
Schedule: Starts 9 October 2023 to 3 November 2023
Workload: 4 to 6 hours per week
Level: Introductory
Language: English
Prerequisites: None