COL supported a workshop on designing blended learning courses using an online learning management system (LMS) from 29-31 January 2019 at the Kisumu campus of the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST).
The workshop was formally opened by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic Affairs, Professor Benson Estambale, who thanked COL for the continued support and encouraged the faculty to embrace technology in teaching and learning. Twenty lecturers from different schools of the university and the entire eLearning team attended.
The three-day training event helped participants understand course design and development issues, how to use different functionalities of the LMS for creating courses to engage learners, and assisted in the preparation of nineteen course designs.
In closing the workshop, Vice Chancellor Professor Stephen G. Agong’ stated that the policy for technology-enabled learning is under discussion and this workshop will strengthen capacity within the university to integrate technology in classroom teaching.
Dr Sanjaya Mishra, COL’s Education Specialist: eLearning said, “Once the policy for technology-enabled learning is adopted at JOOUST, the outcome of this workshop will lead to more online courses and more students taking these courses.”