The Inclusive Teaching and Learning (ITL) course is now open for registration.
The four-week course starts September 5, 2022 and will focus on what it means to be an inclusive teacher. The course is premised on the assumption that all teachers have a direct responsibility to develop and use inclusive practices that, in turn, benefits all learners, including those with specific abilities or needs.
Drawing on the UNICEF Wave Model for inclusive education, it is the first of two professional development courses for inclusive education developed by COL, a team of experts from the Open University’s TESSA programme and the Kenya Institute of Special Education (KISE). This instance of the course will be facilitated by staff from KISE.
A participant in a previous offer of the course, Pearl Doku of Ghana commented:
“Inclusive education is an education for all without any form of exclusion by making learners feel valued, safe, and accepted by teachers and giving the necessary support to the learners to access and thrive in education. This course has been very educative to me.”
The second course in the series, Creating an Inclusive School (CIS), supports professionals in working together to help create an inclusive ethos and culture in schools. This course will be offered at a later date.
Participants in the ITL course will have the opportunity to study individually or with a group of colleagues. Where internet access remains a challenge, participants will be able to download the content and study offline.
To enrol, please visit the course page.