COL has re-launched the short course ‘OER for Online Learning: An Introduction’ for teachers in the Pacific as part of the Pacific Partnership for Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT), New Zealand. With many countries still struggling to address the impact of the COIVID-19 pandemic, the course provides teachers with guidelines for working in new ways, using openly licensed online resources. It serves as a useful foundation on which further, more in-depth learning can subsequently be built.
The course will run 1-26 March 2021 and is the first of several strategies to provide support to teachers while traditional schooling remains disrupted.
COL will be organising a range of activities aimed to support youth employment in the region through professional development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training providers, as well as skills and leadership training for young people (with special emphasis on young women and persons with disabilities) as part of the partnership arrangement designed to help build resilience in the Pacific education systems via enhancements in cloud-based computing, development of resources and training for teachers and local officials in ODFL.
More information about the course is available here.