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Pulling Together as the Commonwealth

Presented at and Chaired by Professor Asha Kanwar at the "Pulling Together…

Open Education Resources: What, why, how?

This workshop is about 'Open Education Resources: What, why, how?' I shall…

Widening Access to Education in the Commonwealth: what have we learned?

It is a privilege to be here in scenic Swaziland and an…

Promoting Learning for Sustainable Development

Chairman, Secretary General, Honourable Ministers, Distinguished Delegates, it is an honour to…

COL in the Commonwealth: Promoting Learning for Sustainable Development

Chair, Colleagues, It is a privilege to present the Commonwealth of Learning…

COL releases OER Course

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) announces the release of an online course…

New COL Vice President Appointment

The Commonwealth of Learning announces the appointment of Dr. K. Balasubramanian (Bala)…

Positioning teachers to play a role in the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

5 October 2015 is World Teachers' Day The world is gearing up…

Delegation from Malta Ministry of Education visits COL

COL received a delegation from the Ministry of Education and Employment, Malta,…

What must we do to effectively prepare teachers for tomorrow?

Video presentation delivered at the Distance Education for Teacher Training in Africa…

How Technology Developments are Driving Change in Higher Education

This video presentation focuses on the key technology developments globally and their…

MOOC for Development

This presentation explains why Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) need not be…

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