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Topics and presenters list released ahead of Pan-Commonwealth Forum

30 August 2019, Burnaby, BC, Canada - With just over one week…

Kaimosi Friends University College in Kenya adopts C-DELTA

COL supported a workshop on Commonwealth Digital Education Leadership Training in Action…

Placing skills development and youth at the centre of education in the Pacific

COL, in partnership with the University of the South Pacific (USP), and…

TEL Community of Practice launches

In collaboration with the Fiji National University (FNU), COL launched the Technology-Enabled…

Online training for Angular web framework starting October 2019

A free, three-month online training programme on the Angular web application framework…

Key speakers and programme for Pan-Commonwealth Forum announced

14 August 2019, Burnaby, BC, Canada - The ninth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on…

Supporting teacher and learner needs towards inclusive communities in Kenya

As part of the community linkage strategy in the 'Teacher Futures' model…

Designing a school-based teacher development programme in Rwanda

The Ministry of Education and the Rwanda Education Board (REB) held a…

Sierra Leone educators trained on mentorship and monitoring of teacher learning

A workshop on Mentorship in Teacher Professional Development was held at the…

The University of the West Indies expands access to MSc in Development Studies through online delivery

More than 60 lecturers from the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute for Economic…

COL helps increase the number of legislative drafters in the South Pacific

Through its tuition scholarship programme,COL seeks to address one of the most…

COL continues to cast a blue lens on sustainable development for small countries

COL Specialist: VUSSC, Dr Mairette Newman visited the James Michel Blue Economy…

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