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COL Latest News

Local craftspersons learn skills to scale up TVET in Zambia

With support from COL, master craftspersons from the Nakadoli Furniture Makers Cooperative…

Commonwealth Secretary-General to share insights on mentoring for leadership

Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, the Rt Honorable Patricia Scotland QC will provide…

Video-based learning content in Kenya: 10,000 views and counting

COL has been assisting Kenya to ensure learning continuity in the face…

COL supports Mann Deshi Foundation to launch eBazaar for women entrepreneurs during COVID-19

COL's comprehensive support to the Mann Deshi Foundation (MDF) in India has…

COL’s online course wins international technology award

COL's online course 'Understanding Open Educational Resources' (OER) won a prestigious Brandon…

Season’s Greetings from COL

Wishing you all the best in the coming year

TELMOOC 8 starts January 10

The eighth offering of the popular MOOC on Introduction to Technology-Enabled Learning…

Online workshop on virtual labs at Uttarkhand Open University

With support from CEMCA, Uttarkhand Open University (UOU) hosted an online workshop…

Speeches & Presentations 2020

The Challenge of Learning: The Future of Education - Nobel Week Dialogue…

“Higher benefits, lower carbon footprint,” Professor Kanwar on ODL at the Nobel Week Dialogue

Image ©2020 COL President and CEO Professor Asha Kanwar spoke about…

Co-design workshop to develop inclusive education MOOCs

An online co-design workshop was organised by COL in November 2020 in…

CEMCA Advisory Council meets in virtual mode

The Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia (CEMCA) held the 20th annual…

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